Saturday, August 15, 2009
Baby Owen - hospital birth with midwife - August 2002
Owen is our first child; he was born on Friday, August 23, 2002 at 4:42 AM.
We had been planning a homebirth since very early on, and were under the care of a pair of midwives. At about 35 weeks, we’d hired a doula as well. We’d bought the homebirth kit, and all the added supplies that were suggested. Our bedroom was set up in a way that would allow the midwife the best access to lighting and outlets as was possible.
At 37 weeks, I’d started taking Evening Primrose Oil in the hopes of softening my cervix and allowing for easier dilation and effacement when the time came. I didn’t want to speed labour up any, or make it come on any sooner, just to make it as easy as I could. About the same time I started seeing a chiropractor every couple of days – she was doing the “Webster Technique” on me. I saw her a total of 6 times for this, and will definitely look into it again next time around.
I’d been having Braxton-Hicks contractions off and on since I was 21 weeks, so when these mild, painless contractions started coming more regularly at 38 weeks, the thought that I was in labour didn’t even exist. I hoped that I was, because I was so eager to meet our “Peanut”, but also hoped that I wasn’t, as I was in no hurry to end the pregnancy. The Braxton-Hicks kept up for 2 days, but no regularity or pain with them at all.
Hubby and I went to bed as usual on the 22nd – but only got about 3 hours sleep as I woke up at 1:15 AM, just as my water broke! No contractions though. We puttered around the apartment for the next 45 minutes – setting up for the impending birth. We got my labour supplies ready, made up the bed with a waterproof sheet – I even sent hubby to the grocery store for some food for our attendants!
Around 2:30 AM I was feeling a LOT of back pain, and had my husband page our midwife – turns out she was already at the hospital attending another birth. We had the choice of going there or having a midwife we didn’t know come to our home. I didn’t think I was very far into the labour process, so opted to go to the hospital. We called our doula and grabbed the “emergency” bag I had packed and into the car we went. The hospital is a good 40 minute drive away from our home.
Got to the hospital around 3:45 or so – I didn’t notice the exact time, and met our midwife. We went into a room, and it took a few minutes before I could get onto the bed to be checked out (I told her that I had to do something about the pain in my back – it was excruciating). She checks me and tells me I should try to push with the next contraction!
I tried a couple of different positions, but with the pain in my back, had a difficult time finding a comfortable position – finally the midwife suggested my hands and knees on the bed. Once I was in that position, you couldn’t have moved me with a pack of wild horses ! I didn’t have any urge to push at that point, so was prompted for a bit, but after a few pushes, the urge to push hit me. About the same time, our doula arrived. This was at about 4 AM.
The doula had brought orange balls with her – roller hockey style – with faces on them. I took one in each hand and squeezed them as hard as I possibly could while I pushed. The doula and my husband were rubbing my back and hips, or mopping my face with a cloth, or giving me drinks of water. Throughout the entire labour, everybody kept saying how I was doing “a good job” or some other version of the same thought – great motivation, but I kept telling them “NO!”. I don’t really know why, maybe because this was my first birth, but I really did NOT feel like I was accomplishing anything – or doing anything that was good. It became something of a mantra for me, and between that and a lot of loud moaning and groaning (this helps so much) we all got through it.
After pushing for about 45 minutes our son was born – no crying or sound at all. I was totally freaked out by that, and was completely unable to move at first. The midwife put him up under my legs (I’m still on my hands and knees here) for me to see – he was breathing just fine, and absolutely beautiful. I think I relaxed immediately on seeing him.
I looked around after seeing my son, my husband was crying so hard he could barely speak – he hadn’t been able to see if our baby was a boy or a girl. I’m not certain, but I think I said to him “It’s Owen”, or something very close to that. He was absolutely thrilled, and has been a very protective and loving father.
Within a few minutes of Owen’s birth, I had him on my chest and he took to nursing like a pro.
I can hardly describe the joy I felt in welcoming our son into our family, or how thankful I am to our midwives and our doula and friend who were with us and shared this miracle.
I had no medication, and only needed a few stitches. We left the hospital just a few hours later, and where home before Owen was 8 hours old !
It didn’t go as planned, but our son is a healthy, happy baby, and that is something I would not trade in for the world !
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